AMC Worcester Chapter

Leadership News

Do you like to hike, backpack, bike, paddle, or do other outdoor activities? Share your love of the outdoors with others by becoming a Leader for the Worcester Chapter!

Most of AMC’s outdoor activities are led by trained volunteer leaders. We take pride in offering an array of outdoor leadership learning opportunities so that our leaders have skills appropriate for the events they lead. We encourage our members to become trained leaders in the outdoors activities they love so they can share their favorite places and experiences with others. Most trainings and instruction programs are led by volunteer trainers and leaders generally follow the same path to leadership.

Never been an outdoor activity Leader? Join the AMC Leadership Team and we will work with you to learn the skills and knowledge needed to lead. If leading outdoor activities is appealing to you, contact our Leadership Chair to find out more about our Chapter’s Leadership requirements.

AMC now has Standardized Trip Ratings with the intent of making it easier for participants to select appropriate trips.   Leaders should use this new rating system in the first line of the trip description. As each trip is unique, if a leader feels a trip warrants a higher/more challenging rating they should increase the rating accordingly.

Help for Entering Events on the Activity Database

The online trips database allows leaders to post their own trips for publication and Web posting. Committee Chairs enter new leaders in the database, and leaders enter trips for approval by the Committe Chair and Leadership Chair.

and save an additional 10% off your trip.

Leadership Events

Leadership Chair:
Wendy Dziemian

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© 2010 Worcester Chapter-Appalachian Mountain Club